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This investing thing was always too confusing for me so I used to just put it off. Thanks to your kit I actually began creating my portfolio and I now have a solid investment plan already going. Thank you for the easy to apply advice. Without it I don't think I would have ever gotten around to investing my money.
Richard F., California

I liked the way your kit was brief and to the point. My money is now growing slowly but steadily and I can see a bright future in for my retirement, especially my dream lake or beach front home.
Neena K., New York

Your Mutual Fund Kit was exactly what I needed. I always heard and knew that mutual funds were a relatively safe investment but it was so confusing when it boiled down to actually setting up a portfolio. Thanks to your kit, my investment picture is much clearer. Its funny how 'big' financial institutions make simple things look so confusing. Bravo to you for making it much simplified !
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Myron B. , Georgia
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